Thursday, December 7, 2006

TPM Series - The Investigators

Over at, in their Muckracker section, they are profiling the Senate and House chairmen who will have investigatory powers in the upcoming congress. Here's the link to the article on Senators Patrick Leahy (Judiciary) and Carl Levin (Armed Services). Here's the link to the article on Rep. Henry Waxman (Government Reform) and Senator Joseph Lieberman (Homeland Security and Government Affairs). And finally, here's the link to the article about Senator Jay Rockefeller (Intelligence) and Rep. Silvestre Reyes (House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence).

While I don't believe there will be an impeachment in President Bush's future (President Cheney, anyone?), I do believe the Dems need to shed some light on exactly what the government has been doing the past six years. These people are the ones who bear that responsibility. I don't expect a whole lot from Senator Lieberman but Rep. Waxman is a bulldog.

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