Thursday, December 7, 2006

Britney, please keep your clothing on

I know this isn't very political or is it? Britney please for everyone sakes keep your clothing on. I am tired of hearing about her lack of underwear problem on CNN, it's very distracting. How am I supposed to analyze the Iraq war and the news about the mother who microwaved her baby when I see news about Britney Spears vagina?

For every politician and other humans, hear this plea... please god woman put some underwear on, you have 2 kids.


1 comment:

TruBlue said...

Finally, a subject I can weigh in on. I think Britney Spears' lack of underwear may be the beginning of a new age in feminism.

Let me first say that I don't like Britney, or Paris or Lindsey. They have litte discernible talent and only above average looks but they maintain their fame simply by acting outrageous. So I realize a woman that shows young girls that all you need to get attention is acting like a slut is an odd source of feminist revival. Plus she married a guy who looks like he takes her song "Hit me baby one more time" a bit too literally. Still hear me out.

Feminism has always had a problem with appearing anti-male. There is a tight rope to walk between appealing to the more radical elements without making men out to be the enemy. How many men can say with a straight face that they are a feminist? (Sorry Alan Alda) However there is one phase of feminism that both the radicals and the men of America loved: Bra burning. With feminism in a dormant period, I think panty burning could be the new bra burning. Besides, what better way to show that you will not be ordered around by men than to give us exactly what we want? So heres hoping the girls of America are watching and we turn this nation in to one big Tom Jones concert with panties flying everywhere.