Monday, December 4, 2006

Goodbye, Good Luck, and Don’t Come Back

John R. Bolton has resigned today. The now former UN ambassador who has repeated anti-UN and anti-cooperation comments frequently has turned in his papers. Poor Bush is allll upset, he is “deeply disappointed” that Senators blocked his nomination. Well it’s hard to nominate someone to the UN who feels like the UN is ineffective.

Bush said, “They [Senators] chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he [Bolton] enjoys majority support in the Senate, and even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at a sensitive and important time. This stubborn obstructionism ill serves our country, and discourages men and women of talent from serving their nation.” I have a sudden need to break out the tequila after that pant load.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on here…Republicans are the majority in the Senate so of course he has ‘majority’ support. Tell me, when did Bush start talking about diplomacy? Even United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan couldn’t say anything positive about Bolton today. The only thing he did say about Bolton was that Bolton could have been more cooperative with other ambassadors in the UN.

Senator Lincoln Chafee (R) from RI was one of the key Senators to block Bolton’s nomination, the second time. He did support Bolton against his constituents’ wishes the first time it came to a vote. Although, it’s great that a republican stood up against Bolton, Linc is not a shining example of a progressive republican. He did take millions from the party and used all the dirty tricks in the republican handbook to try to win reelection this year, he lost.

I am happy that Bolton is stepping down, the less elephants the better. I will be watching the news intently looking for more resignations.


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