Friday, December 1, 2006

Birth of an Idea

With the Republican Party being sustained by a nastrogastric tube and a ventilator, with the departure of fan favs Rick Santorum, Katherine Harris, and Bill "She's got more brain activity than I do" Frist, with the death of Republican ideas such as privatizing Social Security, the Unitary Executive theory, torture, suspension of Habeas Corpus, the Bush Dynasty, Mission Accomplished, the Democracy Domino Theory, the K Street Project, Global Not-Warming-Really-It's-Not, Heckuva Job Brownie, Tenet, Rumsfeld, Allawi, Maliki, Chertoff, Harriet Myers, Ashcroft, Delay, and Hastert, and with the oncoming Progressive Movement Stampede threatening to stomp out all vestiges of the glorious Republican Revolution of 1994 and its accompanying codpieces and semene stained dresses, we decided that a place was needed to lay all these things to rest, once and for all, for the sake of the kids, so that this long national nightmare can once again be put to its proper place, underground, beneath six feet of dirt, scorn, sarcasm, and (yes) joy, giddy giddy joy. So welcome to the Elephant's Graveyard. And whatever you do, no matter how much it might look like they're still alive, no matter how much they beg, or how hungry they say they are, DON'T FEED THE ELEPHANTS!

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