Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Iraq Study Group Report is here! Also, a song.

The Iraq Study Group Report is online! Boo-yah! No more relying on leaks or half-assed punditry! (Note: The punditry on this blog is whole-assed, and is entirely trustworthy.) I'm so psyched, I've written a song for the occasion. In your head, it should sound like a sort of "sound of music/mary poppins" musical theater thingie:

"The Way Forward: A Children's Holiday Song"

It's here! It's here!
I can't believe they made it!
It's here! It's here!
It's so great, we invaded for it!

Children, put away your toys,
Gather round now, make no noise,
because it's that special time of year:
The Iraq Study Group Report is here!

It's long - so long - 160 pages,
But that's okay, they've been writing it for ages.
All the good little boys and girls
are so eager to learn the rules
That will let us leave Iraq without disgraaace
Ending our adventure without losing face!

(slowly) Do we stay or do we go?
Baker and Hamilton know,
and the time is very near when we will know it too,

(back to normal)
It's here! It's here!
I can't believe they made it!
It's here! It's here!
It's so great, we invaded for it!

Children, put away your toys,
Gather round now, make no noise,
because it's that special time of year:
The Iraq Study Group Report is here!

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